Wednesday, November 19, 2008

currently working on

school is almost done with and there ar a lot of finals to be due. i am currently working on my essay 5 paper. i have printed out an hard copy and im going over my paper to make corrections. i have also started my media final. i am doing a magazine. it is a bit hard but i know i will get it done. for the film final i am doing the film grease. this is one of my favorite films.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

so far into essay 5

I have started the process of writing my paper. i think its coming along well. I did have to go back from time to time to delete and re-write because i felt like i didnt provide enough information. so far its been going good though. ..i still have a lot to finish.


I have chosen my topic for essay 5. My topic is gaming and children here in the us and over the world. i have started research on my topic. i have found a lot of information so far about positive and negative influence on children. I don't want to give to much away but what surprised me was how in some places people feel that video games can cause health problems and or help health problems

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Topics for gaming essay...

i think good ideas for essay 5 would be gaming and children. I would talk about how games influence children. i would also discuss certain negative games that are being played by younger kids and how does that impact on their life. There are also positive games that i can talk about that children really enjoy. there are all sorts of games that children enjoy. Their are board games PC games and video games. I can talk about educational games and if children are playing those games more than regular games. If all parents approve of their kids playing certain games and if not why. i can take a survey on opinions of games. my main concern would be reaching out and getting younger kids responses and the parents as well.
Another topic would be gaming in other countries. i would discuss games that we play here in the us that are played in other countries. Also, games in other countries that we don't play here. If those other countries have the same rules on games as we do in the US. for example when a games targets only a certain age.
I can also combine these topics and talk about gaming influence on children here in the US and in other countries. I could compare the two and see the outcome.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

game store trip

On Wednesday the class took a trip to the city to different game stores. We had to start at the big toyrus store and then move on to different game store. We didn't necessarily have to have groups, we could have went by ourselves. I went along with Lisha, Tay and Erica. We looked at board games video games and etc. I mostly stayed in the kids section cause I'm thinking about doing my report on gaming and kids. In the toyrus store i saw all the board games i used to play when i was little. My little brother, niece and cousins still play those games now. I believe a lot of games i played are still in effect today. we sort of sidetracked and went to the candy section and bought some candy. I love love their candy LOL.....Our next store was gamestop. on the way their we walked passes Starbucks and they were giving free taste of hot chocolate. They were good i like them. when we got into the gamestop i was attracted the the golf game for wii. it made me really mad though cause it wouldn't work for me. Well i didn't know how to..we then went downstairs to see the rest of the games. well their was that golf game again. this time it was for Xbox. well i couldn't get this working either. Erica tried to help me but she couldn't get it either LOL.. so we asked this little boy next to us how to do it and he helped us...hmmm i wonder what he was doing in the store why wasn't he in school LOL...anyways..erica played first and then i played and i wasn't very good. i tried though that's all that matters. overall i enjoyed myself on this trip it was really fun.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

review on cluster classes

Over the past few weeks my classes have been good. I will say that all my classes are not easy. I know that i have to work hard and strive for the best. I would say that i really appreciate Dr.J. Its not me trying to suck up but I do believe that he is a great teacher. I like all of my teachers but i believe Dr. J is so helpful. He is helping the class and I to work on our midterm project for for Dr. Louis class. In all of Dr.J class i do find myself at times a bit confuesd, only because it takes me time to understand certain things. No im not slow LOL. I feel that when i dont understand something i know I can ask Dr. J and he is there to help. Whenever i ask him for his help im always apoligizing to him, and he says its ok. I know thats his job you know but i just dont want to be callign him every 5 seconds and gettin on his nerves..LOL. My film class is a litle boring. There are some days when its really good and its whatever. Then there is times when i just want to leave. Starting the class out i would admit i wasnt too thrilled. As time progresses i am starting to like it. The films that she has played lately have been good films. So far so good but i dont know what to expect with this class can be nerve recking... The mass media clas with Dr. Louis is really cool. He is so funny and i really like this class. I dont really have any problems in this class. There are times when the homework is a topic that i really dont like but thats life so its whatever. Overall so far my classes are good. I believe im doing a good job. I really want to maintain my best in all of my classes, I dont want to walk away from my classes below a B. I believe that setting my standards high would be good for me

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

club fair-october 8,2008

I went to the club fair and I thought it was okay. There were really a lot of clubs there. There was more than I expected. I didn't see any clubs that i wanted to join. I was hoping that they would have a dance club because I am a dancer and i love to dance. There was a club name phi theta kapa(i believe thats how you spell it) hat interested me.I wanted to join that club but you have to have 12 credits. So i'm unable to join as of right now. When i do get my 12 credits i would like to join that club. The cool thing about this club is that you don't have to be a member and your still allowed to help out as volunteer work. Thats something i would like to do if i have time. There was a break dancing club. I think that was far off my scale though. lol. Even though i'm not interested in joining the game club it was cool to see what they had. They was actually setting up the game rock band. I actually play rock band with one of my closest friends. Overall the club fair was cool.