Wednesday, October 8, 2008

club fair-october 8,2008

I went to the club fair and I thought it was okay. There were really a lot of clubs there. There was more than I expected. I didn't see any clubs that i wanted to join. I was hoping that they would have a dance club because I am a dancer and i love to dance. There was a club name phi theta kapa(i believe thats how you spell it) hat interested me.I wanted to join that club but you have to have 12 credits. So i'm unable to join as of right now. When i do get my 12 credits i would like to join that club. The cool thing about this club is that you don't have to be a member and your still allowed to help out as volunteer work. Thats something i would like to do if i have time. There was a break dancing club. I think that was far off my scale though. lol. Even though i'm not interested in joining the game club it was cool to see what they had. They was actually setting up the game rock band. I actually play rock band with one of my closest friends. Overall the club fair was cool.


Nipa Royees said...

I was also interested in joining the Phi Theta Kappa, but i couldn't as well. What kind of dancing do u do Shekira?

Lisha said...

I AGREE WITH YOU there wasn't that many clubs their that i wanted to join either except for the potery club. I thought the break dancing club was good also.

Shekira said...

Nipa i like hip hop dancing and tap. im currently a jazz dancer u dance