Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Topics for gaming essay...

i think good ideas for essay 5 would be gaming and children. I would talk about how games influence children. i would also discuss certain negative games that are being played by younger kids and how does that impact on their life. There are also positive games that i can talk about that children really enjoy. there are all sorts of games that children enjoy. Their are board games PC games and video games. I can talk about educational games and if children are playing those games more than regular games. If all parents approve of their kids playing certain games and if not why. i can take a survey on opinions of games. my main concern would be reaching out and getting younger kids responses and the parents as well.
Another topic would be gaming in other countries. i would discuss games that we play here in the us that are played in other countries. Also, games in other countries that we don't play here. If those other countries have the same rules on games as we do in the US. for example when a games targets only a certain age.
I can also combine these topics and talk about gaming influence on children here in the US and in other countries. I could compare the two and see the outcome.


Lisha said...

I think thats a really good topic because i think games do influence children to want to learn because its something fun. No child likes to do work. So in order to want to make them do there work why not make it fun for them. Your other topic is really good too because it would be nice to know other games that people in other countries play that we don't. It's always nice to learn something new. I think u have 2 really good topics. You should help me think of one.please LOL

Claudia said...

I think that your ideas to do your paper are really good. It is true that not all the people in other countries ply games from here.