Tuesday, October 28, 2008

game store trip

On Wednesday the class took a trip to the city to different game stores. We had to start at the big toyrus store and then move on to different game store. We didn't necessarily have to have groups, we could have went by ourselves. I went along with Lisha, Tay and Erica. We looked at board games video games and etc. I mostly stayed in the kids section cause I'm thinking about doing my report on gaming and kids. In the toyrus store i saw all the board games i used to play when i was little. My little brother, niece and cousins still play those games now. I believe a lot of games i played are still in effect today. we sort of sidetracked and went to the candy section and bought some candy. I love love their candy LOL.....Our next store was gamestop. on the way their we walked passes Starbucks and they were giving free taste of hot chocolate. They were good i like them. when we got into the gamestop i was attracted the the golf game for wii. it made me really mad though cause it wouldn't work for me. Well i didn't know how to..we then went downstairs to see the rest of the games. well their was that golf game again. this time it was for Xbox. well i couldn't get this working either. Erica tried to help me but she couldn't get it either LOL.. so we asked this little boy next to us how to do it and he helped us...hmmm i wonder what he was doing in the store why wasn't he in school LOL...anyways..erica played first and then i played and i wasn't very good. i tried though that's all that matters. overall i enjoyed myself on this trip it was really fun.

1 comment:

Lisha said...

i agree the candy is really good. We did have a nice time and i'm sorry you couldn't get the game to work for you. LOL