Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the matrix

I thought that the film was good.I have heard of the money and watched scenes here and there but never really watched it full out. I think this movies gives a lot of signs and clues. I notice that there was always the colors blue and red in a lot of the scenes. There was also a bit of white and black here and there. In the beginning of the movies there was many tv screens. I didnt understand that part of what the significant meaning was. The names also stood out. Morpheus was the leader and it seems like such a strong and powerful name. The leader was also a black make and he wanted to find the one who he thought was Neo which was a white male. In the scene when they fight Morpheus was in a black robe and Neo was in a white robe. Morpheus gave Neo a choice in the beginning of the movie, if he take the "blue" pill he goes back to normal if he takes the "red" pill he goes into the matrix. When he chose to continue with the matrix he found himself in like a mechanical pit. He was covered in red slime/goo and the sky was also lighting of blue. Also the red and blue police lights, the bug was red and the red and blue needles. I noticed the rabbit was white. There was always vetical rays like the matrix,like the rain coming down the car. The construct program was also white. The clouds turning from blue to red. the lady in red. they used kid-like movies like alice and wonderland and the wizard of oz. Everyone in the matrix wore black. what I didnt understand was why (i believe her name was cypher) had on white,what did that exactly mean.


Lisha said...

Shekira i think you did a good job at telling the movie and the different elements they used. You took good notes and was focused on the movie. I like how you wasn't afraid to say wat you didn't understand. good job

Melissa Cerda said...

I also found many of the scenes a little hard to follow. Like the significance of the colors blue and red that seemed to be everywhere, but reading your blog really cleared it up a bit. Thanks.

Erica said...

Yes the movie did relate to Alice and wonderland and how she was following the white rabbit. The colors red and blue was in the film a lot.

Sookjung Kim(Eva) said...

Your review is approching in a different way. I did not think about those colors in the movie, and i guess you watched it very carefully. Your review is very intersting becuase you mentioned not only about blue and red colors that we can easily recognize the scene of the pills, but also you mentioned about those characters colors like black, white, i think even brown was there! lol. i like your review a lot. it is different.

Anonymous said...

I thought your response was really well put. I agree the movie does give alot of signs and clues.Them wearing black was something i didnt really pay attention to.Good observation and good post on the matrix.