Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Game,Play ,simulation

I believe the word "play" means to participate in a game or activity. When we use the word "play" were asking some one or a group of people to take part in some form of a game. It doesn't neccesarily mean you have to. The word "play" is used by children and adults. When I hear the word "play' I quickly assume of a game. I think most times when we play we want their to be enjoyment and excitement. I know when I play I want to be having fun,laughing and goofing around. When I hear the word "game" I think of an activity usually sports for me. I believe that to play a "game" it has to be entertaining and catchy to the eye. I dont think your going to want to play a game that isn't really interesting. Usually in a "game" their is always some type of penalty. There are always a set of rules in a game and usually a reward. When you play a "game" i think that it is also a contest. I think that simulation mean to immitate something or someone. Not much comes to my head when I hear "simulation" but I do think that its like false appearing. My liltle brother when playing with his toys can sit by himself and have fun. He pretends like he is the voice of the toys fighting and throwing them around. He can be content just sitting and playing by himself.

1 comment:

Lisha said...

I think your post was good,i feel same way i wouldn't want to play a game thats not interesting or fun. Good job